Saturday, March 1, 2014

March on


Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah, we have marched past two months already. Today is the 1st of March, O people in case you are still not up yet this Saturday morning. It's not the 29th of Feb. 2014 is not a leap year in case you were hoping for one extra day in Feb for whatever reason.

Life in Jan and Feb may not have been as fun and pomp like a march-past or parade. No big baloons, no floats, no loud bands, no fancy dress but then life is never meant to be a parade, is it?

Some days are lovely, bright and sunny. Some days are just OK. On some days we all need a bit of push, a bit of encouragement, a bit of motivation, a spark to reignite our hopes, so that we can march on.

Regardless of the daily circumstances, let's try to observe the house rules even when we are outside. I got this poster from Singapore and thought we should add three things there.

House Rules:
Love each other
Hold your head high
Laugh a lot
Pick up after yourself
Try everything once
Say please and thank you
Never give up
Don't play ball in the house
Always tell the truth
Chew, swallow, speak
Trust in yourself
No whining
Be respectful
Keep your promises
Forgive even when it's hard
Do what you love
Break the rules once in a while

Wish y'all a fabulous weekend :)

"A negative mind will never give you a positive life"
- Women of History

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