Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Magic number | Hasbunallah


I noticed our venerable Habib Umar bin Hafiz had on two occasions prescribed this azkar when asking for aid from Allah to remove difficulties and also prevent a mishap - 450 times - is the "magic number" to recite. 

There must be some secrets as to why a certain number of repetitions is recommended for a certain azkar e.g. 100, 75, 33, 27 and in the case of  Hasbunallah wa nikmal wakil - it's 450. 

Let's have this here for future reminder/reference.

Let's heed.

May this simple lesson and practice bring much benefit to he/she who has in the chamber of his/her heart, a secret plea.

We must thank Allah for we can't fathom the number of times when we surrendered to Him Al Wakil and He evicted major harm from us. That which seemed as an unanswered prayer or a withholding was actually a big blessing. Or that He acts/reacts on our behalf with greater might and wisdom.
: )

Allahu Akbar!


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